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Yapping Eevee

A member registered Apr 26, 2020

Recent community posts

I have to wonder what the best way to make money is, given how extremely expensive certain big-ticket items are. It seems to just be working your job of choice so far.

Just to check, do updated versions often break saves? I'd love to know whether or not I should hold off on trying this until the next release.

I have to say, Tribute being such a rare event is really painful when you can only do it once each visit.

Ah-ha, good to know. Especially since wow, the Champion is an outrageous difficulty spike compared to the Elite Four. Time for a whole lot of tributing...

Great game, though I do have a small question. Why are some opposing cards sometimes coloured according to type? Is this like a 'shiny' mechanic?

Also, I can't seem to apply more than one glyph to a given card.